A new MM III deposit from Ayia Triada and the problem of MM IIIB in South-Central Crete
2011-01-01 Girella, L
A Survey of Grey Wares on Crete in Middle and Late Bronze Age
2007-01-01 Girella, L
A View from Outside: Aspects of Commensality at Alonaki, Juktas
In corso di stampa Karetsou, Alexandra; Girella, Luca; Mylona, Dimitra
A view of MM IIIA at Phaistos: pottery production and consumption at the beginning of the Neopalatial Period
2010-01-01 Girella, L
Alcune considerazioni in margine al MM III: Archanes e Festòs
2001-01-01 Girella, L
Alcune riflessioni su Ahhiyawa e Creta
2011-01-01 Girella, L
Andonis Vasilakis, Keith Branigan, Moni Odigitria: A Prepalatial Cemetery and Its Environs in the Asterousia, Southern Crete. Prehistory Monographs 30. Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, 2010. Pp. xxxi, 316; 144 tables, 137 figures, 70 plates. ISBN 9781931534581. $80.00.
2011-01-01 Girella, L
Aspects of ritual and changes in funerary practices between MM II and LM I on Crete
2016-01-01 Girella, L
Barbara Horejs, Das Prähistorische Olynth. Ausgrabungen in der Toumba Agios Mamas 1994-1996. Die spätbronzezeitliche handgemachte Keramik der Schichten 13 bis 1, (Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 21), Rahden/Westf 2007
2011-01-01 Girella, L
Beyond Thalassocracies. Understanding the Processes of Minoanisation and Mycenaeanisation in the Aegean
2016-01-01 Gorogianni, E; Pavuk, P; Girella, L
Bridging the Gap: The function of the houses and residential neighbourhoods in MM III at Phaistos
2011-01-01 Girella, L
Ceramica da cucina dal sito di Haghia Triada. Rapporto preliminare da un deposito ceramico del MM III
2008-01-01 Girella, L
Changing Perspectives on Cultural Transmissions between Western Anatolia, Crete, and the Aegean in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages
2024-01-01 Girella, Luca
Changing Perspectives on the Relationship between Western Anatolia, Crete, and the Aegean in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages
2024-01-01 Girella, L; Mokrišová, J
Civiltà dell'Egeo. Archeologia e società della Grecia nel III e nel II millennio a.C
2023-01-01 D'Agata, Anna Lucia; Girella, Luca
Continuità e transizione del potere nella Messarà a Creta durante il Medio Minoico III (ca. 1750-1670 a.C.)
2016-01-01 Girella, L
Dance or procession? A ritual scene on a fruit-stand from Protopalatial Phaistos, Crete
2023-01-01 Girella, L
Depositi ceramici del Medio Minoico III da Festòs e Haghia Triada, Studi di Archeologia Cretese VIII, Padova 2010
2010-01-01 Girella, L
Dietro la maschera: ibridi e maschere nell'Egeo dell'età del Bronzo
2018-01-01 Girella, L
Emilia Oddo, Konstantinos Chalikias, South by southeast: the history and archaeology of southeast Crete from Myrtos to Kato Zakros. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2022. Pp. 160. ISBN 9781803271309
2023-01-01 Girella, Luca